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Not unlocking certain Achievements (Steam+Mac)

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 6:17 am
by undee
Hi everyone!

I bought Osmos when Steam for Mac was released and have to say:
This game is one of the best I played in years! It's like a wellness vacation for my brain :)
It took me one week to unlock the bonus content (~1h/day), yet I still find it challenging and entertaining.

I however never unlocked 'Disciple Of The Osmos' and 'Voyager', although having 'Purity', 'Gravitronics', 'Fittest', 'Black Hole Sun' as well as 'Graduate Of The Osmos'. I already tried playing the two tutorial levels again... Didn't help :)
Anyone else encountered this problem?

Also I'm terribly sorry, if this question has already been asked or even answered. I tried searching this forum (as well as the steam-forums), yet not finding anything on this topic, except one thread saying achievements won't unlock when playing offline -> I never played Osmos while being in offline mode though.

Thank you for creating such an amazing and beautiful game! :)

Re: Not unlocking certain Achievements (Steam+Mac)

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 9:47 am
by eddybox
Hey undee,

Hmmm... not sure why those achievements didn't unlock for you. It'd be an interesting test to try and unlock them again by the following:

- Disciple of the Osmos: beat S1-2 (the Biophobe)
- Voyager: beat A2-4 or F2-3 or S2-3

note that you can access any of those levels directly via the little sub buttons that appear when you hover any zone button in the main menu.


Re: Not unlocking certain Achievements (Steam+Mac)

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 10:55 am
by undee
Hi eddybox,

thank you for your quick response! S1-2 and A2-4 did the trick. Even though I'm pretty sure I had completed them before :)

Thanks again,