Osmos Support

Feedback and support for the PC version of Osmos
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Re: Osmos Support

Postby lordnikon » Tue Aug 25, 2009 12:14 pm

I too noticed there was an update via steam (or what looked like one), and also experience this crash on exit and missing sounds; I managed to get a copy of the log pre and post update:


Code: Select all

Log opened on Mon Aug 24 20:29:52 2009
Commandline: p:\steam\steamapps\common\osmos\Osmos.exe
Preinitializing game
Localization: using language "en"
Localization: loaded Osmos-en.loc
using sound
showing splash
not using cloud
Creating window...
PC running with 2 monitors
Current res of primary display: 1400 x 1050
Attempting fullscreen mode
Using fullscreen mode: 1400 x 1050, 32 bpp
Initializing GLRenderDevice...
OpenGL version: 3.1.0
Initializing game
Initializing renderer
Loading textures
Loading fonts
Backed up stats to Stats\Backup\Osmos_Aug_24_2009_0000.sta
machine bigEndian-ness = 0, stats file bigEndian-ness = 0, flipping = 0
not using vsync
Initializing SoundSystem...
Initializing OpenAL
Getting OpenAL device list
Found 2 devices:
  Device 1. Generic Hardware (DEFAULT)
  Device 2. Generic Software
Using and opening "Generic Software"...
Creating OpenAL context
ALFWInitOpenAL opened device "Generic Software"
Loading pre-splash sounds
Loading post-splash sounds
Received stats and achievements from Steam
StoreStats - success
Achievement 'OA_DeepMaster' unlocked!
App exiting -- bye!
Writing config to Config.cfg
Deinitializing SoundSystem
Unitializing sound
Destroying window...
Deinitializing GLRenderDevice
Log closed on Mon Aug 24 21:04:09 2009


Code: Select all

Log opened on Tue Aug 25 20:04:38 2009
Commandline: p:\steam\steamapps\common\osmos\Osmos.exe
Preinitializing game
Localization: using language "en"
Localization: loaded Osmos-en.loc
using sound
showing splash
not using cloud
Creating window...
PC running with 2 monitors
Current res of primary display: 1400 x 1050
Attempting fullscreen mode
Using fullscreen mode: 1400 x 1050, 32 bpp
Initializing GLRenderDevice...
OpenGL version: 3.1.0
Initializing game
Initializing renderer
Loading textures
Loading fonts
WARNING: Invalid score file Stats\LocalPlayer.sco version number 1
Backed up stats to Stats\Backup\Osmos_Aug_25_2009_0000.sta
machine bigEndian-ness = 0, stats file bigEndian-ness = 0, flipping = 0
not using vsync
Initializing SoundSystem...
Initializing OpenAL
Getting OpenAL device list
Found 2 devices:
  Device 1. Generic Hardware (DEFAULT)
  Device 2. Generic Software
Using and opening 0: "Generic Hardware"...
Creating OpenAL context
ALFWInitOpenAL opened device "Generic Hardware"
WARNING: Error generating OpenAL sources: err = 1
Loading pre-splash sounds
Loading post-splash sounds
Received stats and achievements from Steam
WARNING: PlayBuffer: can't attach bufer to source: 1
WARNING: PlayBuffer: can't attach bufer to source: 1
WARNING: PlayBuffer: can't attach bufer to source: 1
[i]...{Repeated ad nauseum, depending on my length of playtime}...[/i]
WARNING: PlayBuffer: can't attach bufer to source: 1
App exiting -- bye!
Writing config to Config.cfg
Deinitializing SoundSystem
Unitializing sound

I noticed the sound error, although I am still getting some sounds and certainly the music. Also interesting to note something about an Invalid score file - if thats what i think it is and refers to my progress in game, thank goodness you made a backup!! :D Both those errors are replicatable everytime, including the invalid score file one...

I could almost live with the crash on exit, but the missing sound effects do take something away... The PC is nothing spectacular, dual core athlon, 2gb ram, windows xp sp3, geforce 9800gt, sb x-fi xtreme audio. all drivers are up to date as far as im aware, and hasten to add there were no problems beforehand :|

edit: just noticed that "pre"-log was from the session when i completed osmos :) not intentional i swear!!

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Meal Worms
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Re: Osmos Support

Postby Meal Worms » Tue Aug 25, 2009 12:26 pm

@ lordnikon : Thanks for your logs, fantastic. Looks like the problem is with the sound. I made a change in the update to select the 'default' sound device rather than always choosing the software device, and it looks like this is a problem for some people. Notice how in the PRE log you have: 'Using and opening "Generic Software"...' whereas in the POST log you have Using and 'opening 0: "Generic Hardware"...' -- which is correct, because it's marked as the 'default' OpenAL driver. But it seems like this isn't working.

To fix this, lordnikon, go to the Osmos directory in the Documents folder and open the Config.cfg file. Inside, you'll find a line that says
soundDevice "-1"
Change this to
soundDevice "1"
so that the last device in your sound list will be selected.


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Re: Osmos Support

Postby Meal Worms » Tue Aug 25, 2009 12:29 pm

@ Sheridan : can you check your logfile and see if the same thing is happening for you? Change that 'soundDevice' value in Config.cfg to point to a different OpenAL sound device in the list and see if that helps you out!


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Re: Osmos Support

Postby paul » Tue Aug 25, 2009 12:49 pm

It began happening to me on more advanced levels, afetr having played for a few minutes - the screen flickering into Thank You For Completing The Demo etc. and not leaving it, having to restart the level.
I tried installing the latest ALOPen (or whatever it was called) update, and it has made it so bad that now it won't get past the start-up screen.
I have no idea how to do half the things that people here are trying, and probably couldn't follow the instructions if you asked - I just liked the game and downloaded it from Steam, and expected it work. Which is a real shame, I was telling all my friends how cool it was.
Being honest, going onto this forum was a pointless exercise it seems, and unless you figure it out, and Steam then automatically downloads whatever it takes to fix it, I'll eventually ask for my money back. Love independent games, but it seems you didn't road-test it enough, and that saddens me. Email me directly if you do sort it out and it's easy. Otherwise, bye!

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Re: Osmos Support

Postby lordnikon » Tue Aug 25, 2009 1:01 pm

Cheers Dave, that fixed it, crash on exit and all!

paul - it might be worth uninstalling and reinstalling the steam version - unless someone else knows different, i think this will get you the latest version, inlcuding todays update, which according to the other post, may resolve your flicker issue?

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Re: Osmos Support

Postby Sheridan » Tue Aug 25, 2009 1:25 pm

Thanks Dave, works for me too now.))

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Re: Osmos Support

Postby jeffplum » Tue Aug 25, 2009 2:31 pm


I'm afraid to say the updated .exe has not fixed the problem. I still occasionally get a flicker when running fullscreen with vsync off. turning on vsync alleviates the problem, but then I got a new one! Everything sort of slowed down for a moment, then sped up, then went back to normal (no, i didn't have my finger on the speed button :D) and then the trail of osmic dust coming off my mote turned into 'puffs', where the dust would stop and start flowing. Everything seemed to be wrong after that. I was playing Epicycles 3 when this occurred.

After this slow down thing happened, the central attractor still had an effect on my mote but the remaining orbiting attractor did not affect or 'pull' my mote. My mote would orbit the central attractor but when it came near the orbiting attractor it ignored it, even though the attractor was bigger than me. I had to start the level again. Gah! And I've played the game enough now to know when something should affect something else, so I don't think it was just me not understanding physics.

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Re: Osmos Support

Postby waxpancake » Tue Aug 25, 2009 3:18 pm

Hey, I'm having the same crash on startup at the "Loading Sounds" screen with the standalone demo, Steam demo, and full version on Steam. Adding "nosound" fixes it, but I'd really like to hear the sound. What can I do?

I'm using Windows XP SP3. I downloaded and installed the OpenALInstaller, but that made no difference. Interestingly, ALCapsViewer crashes on startup, as well.

Here's my Osmos log:

Code: Select all

Log opened on Wed Aug 26 16:00:08 2009
Commandline: c:\program files\valve\steam\steamapps\common\osmos\Osmos.exe
Preinitializing game
Localization: using language "en"
Localization: loaded Osmos-en.loc
using sound
showing splash
not using cloud
Creating window...
Using windowed mode: 1862 x 1095, 32 bpp
Initializing GLRenderDevice...
OpenGL version: 3.1.0
Initializing game
Initializing renderer
Loading textures
Loading fonts
Backed up stats to Stats\Backup\Osmos_Aug_26_2009_0001.sta
machine bigEndian-ness = 0, stats file bigEndian-ness = 0, flipping = 0
not using vsync
Initializing SoundSystem...
Initializing OpenAL
Getting OpenAL device list

Let me know what else you need.

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Meal Worms
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Re: Osmos Support

Postby Meal Worms » Tue Aug 25, 2009 6:20 pm

@ waxpancake : looks like your sound hardware doesn't support OpenAL, as both Osmos and ALCapsViewer are chrashing when they try to enumerate your sound devices. Short of playing the game without sound (by using the 'nosound' option as described on the Osmos FAQ, the only thing I can suggest at this point is that you try and update/reinstall your sound drivers.

@ paul : I've followed up with you off-list, via email.

@ lordnikon : awesome, glad everything is fixed! Enjoy the game :D


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Re: Osmos Support

Postby rlahalla » Tue Aug 25, 2009 6:50 pm

I have just purchased the full version of Osmos, and have tried to play the full version with no success. The screen continues to flicker with the "thank you for using the demo" message and says it's updating, but it just makes the game unplayable. If there is a fix for this available, please let me know. Love the concept, hate the bug. It causes severe anger when trying to play the game ;)

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