Osmos Support

Feedback and support for the PC version of Osmos
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Meal Worms
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Re: Osmos Support

Postby Meal Worms » Mon Aug 24, 2009 5:10 am

@ Zarat : thanks for the details and for linking to your log. Can't see anything there that indicates the images are not loading correctly, so it may be a code issue. I'll dig around and see what I can find, stay tuned...

@ proctor: You're seeing the slowdown in S1-2, but do get decent framerates in other levels? If so, then we know it's not a problem with your older ATI card. I suspect the problem might be with the particle effects on the Biosphere's "eye"... on S1-2 only, if you lower the rendering detail setting to the lowest setting, does the problem go away? (you can turn the detail back up again after beating the level)

@ Red Alert : oh -- didn't see where you had mentioned you had disabled the Steam community overlays, sorry. We're working on a fix for this issue... some people have reported that toggling fullscreen (Alt+F) or cycling through the rendering detail settings (Alt+D) caused the issue to go away. (FYI, Osmos remembered your level progress because it's stored in your Documents folder, which is not touched by the uninstaller).

Cheers all!

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Re: Osmos Support

Postby Zarat » Mon Aug 24, 2009 8:17 am

Meal Worms wrote:@ Zarat : thanks for the details and for linking to your log. Can't see anything there that indicates the images are not loading correctly, so it may be a code issue. I'll dig around and see what I can find, stay tuned...

I've done a debug-run with GLIntercept where I just started the game in windowed mode, went into achievements screen, then exit the app via main menu. The error log is here: http://pastebin.com/m25ea52aa

This may or may not be relevant, but could give you a hint what to look for. If there's anything else I can do (like specific OpenGL caps of my graphics card or whatever) just ask.

UPDATE: After checking the more detailed log I've found the calls with the errors, they all look like this:
glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D,0,GL_RGBA,48,48,0,GL_RGB,GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE,0xdc9d60) glGetError() =GL_INVALID_VALUE

It seems a texture size of 48x48 (which is not a power of two) doesn't work for me, which is kinda surprising since I've never had any problems with other OpenGL games before. I always thought we were long past those power-of-two restrictions :shock:

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Re: Osmos Support

Postby Soran » Mon Aug 24, 2009 12:53 pm

Meal Worms wrote:@ Soran : Did you try lowering the rendering detail in the Visual Options menu?

Yeah, as previously mentioned I have tryed setting it to low, and have nothing running in the background except antivirus... The game starts at 29 fps but reaches 11 when the menu is ready... And the game runs constant at 10 fps. It is all levels and all the time... I am running Vista with a resolution of 1440x900 and with the newest driver for the graphics card but have also tryed changing resolution to 800x600 with little effect.

My computer is a Lenovo T400 with Intel Centrino2 Core 2 Duo 2,4 GHZ, 4 GB RAM, Mobile Intel GMA 4500HD grafics with 32 MB of decicated memory and up to 1036 MB total...

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Meal Worms
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Re: Osmos Support

Postby Meal Worms » Mon Aug 24, 2009 1:16 pm

Great stuff zarat! Oh, Intel integrated graphics and their behind-time-times ways. ;-) We'll update those textures to 64x64; in the mean time, any chance you can find an update for on-board drivers?


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Re: Osmos Support

Postby Zarat » Mon Aug 24, 2009 8:09 pm

Well, the last update for the chipset was 3 years ago, so I'm sure I got the latest (I just checked again, nothing new). It's not like there are any major bugs which need fixing, anyways. If it hadn't worked out of the box I would've played it on my desktop computer which has a more modern graphics card, but as long as it works I prefer using my laptop (and it works for a surprising large number of games).

By the way, I just checked the OpenGL docs and they require glTexImage2D to have power-of-two sizes, if you want others you should check for the proper extension (ARB_texture_non_power_of_two? not sure if that's the correct one, just did a quick google search).

Thanks again for the great game :D

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Meal Worms
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Re: Osmos Support

Postby Meal Worms » Mon Aug 24, 2009 9:41 pm

Actually not so, Zarat; non-power-of-two textures are supported in OpenGL 2.0 and greater. In any case, we ought to be using power-of-two textures everwhere for the sake of older implementations. We'll soon be rolling out a Steam update containing the new content.

Thanks again,

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Re: Osmos Support

Postby VyperX » Tue Aug 25, 2009 7:24 am

Meal Worms, I must say: great work for being on top of things... As a developer (of non-game programs) I can relate to how difficult it must be to handle these vague bug-reports. :)
As to the problem I reported earlier (extremely low frame rates, despite fast PC) I'm afraid I can't reproduce the issue anymore after reinstalling Vista (including latest drivers). Sooo... I'm just going to enjoy your great game now :D

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Re: Osmos Support

Postby Sheridan » Tue Aug 25, 2009 10:37 am

Today I received strange message from Steam (in the bottom right corner) that Osmos has finished downloading or smth like that. I thought the update was released but no, there was nothing in update history.
After this I have 2 bugs and errors:
1. Absorbing sound effects don't work properly:

2. When I press "Exit Osmos", an error appers "Send Error Report to M$".

What I need to do?

I want to try to verify game cache files but I'm not sure about saves - will they work after this?

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Meal Worms
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Re: Osmos Support

Postby Meal Worms » Tue Aug 25, 2009 11:29 am

Hi Shridan,

You can go ahead and verify the game files through the Steam interface. Don't worry about losing your progress; it's stored in the Osmos directory of your Documents folder, which won't be touched by Steam.


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Re: Osmos Support

Postby Sheridan » Tue Aug 25, 2009 11:43 am

Verifying did not help. :( More ideas?

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